Time oh give me time...!!!


Time oh give me time...!!!

The Rough Road Began in 2019

Picture this: It’s October 2019. You're staring at a traffic-laden highway through the cracked windshield of a U-Haul truck. A dear friend is your only ally in this chaotic situation, assisting you by driving your van right behind you. A grim lump forms in your throat. You glance in the rearview mirror, reminding yourself that this isn't the end, and you're not abandoning your family. You're no deadbeat dad.

But the doubt gnaws at you like an insistent rat, creating a pesky racket in your mind. You feel like you've been mugged, relieved of something precious. A shiver of fear slithers down your spine, making you shudder. But hey, God doesn't peddle fear, right? So, you summon all your courage and tackle it head-on.

Reluctant Homecoming

You are hit with a wave of nostalgia as you pull up on your mom's driveway. It's a temporary safe haven, while you get yourself together and find work.

It's not the ideal situation - living with mom again. Her place is intimate, to say the least, and not big enough for a grown man with his life on a rickety stand-by. You become acutely conscious of the ticking clock, drumming in the urgency to find your own place - fast!

The Lovable Hurricane: JJ

And then enters JJ - the little typhoon that whirls into your life and gives you a kick where it hurts. His presence accelerates the need to move out of Mom’s place. But every cloud has a silver lining, right?

A Professional Boon in Disguise

During this time, a professional golden goose wafts into my life in the guise of Shantiniketan in Tavares, FL. Once they went over my resume, they insisted that I also take a cleaning contract! Is this a stroke of outrageous fortune or what? All thanks to the Most High God! But, now I had a new challenge - finding a cleaning team to work with.

A Personal Setback

Life throws another curveball when, out of the blue, my wife delivers a staggering blow - she plans to commit poor JJ to an institution. She had a harrowing encounter with his sudden violent bout - he attacked her and her dad, escalating to a destructive frenzy at home. She's evidently at her wit's end and had him Baker Acted. I desperately plead with her to grant me just a bit more time. There's a three-day window before JJ is released and a week before he can be shifted. A fact, I was unaware of earlier. The complexity of having someone committed!

Workers Seem to be Hiding. Until...

During this whirl of events, I was scouring for workers for my newfound cleaning contract. But either all the decent ones were hiding behind the bushes, or I was looking through the wrong end of the telescope.

But then the sky clears, and the sun bursts through. I stumbled upon a woman who was an ideal fit for the cleaning gig, and someone special in my life. Speed suddenly takes the driver's seat from here on. I was on a timer and wasting time was not an option. 

James 1:3 &4 Kowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience 4.) But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Remember folks, life doesn't go the way we chart it out. There are unexpected turns, surprise junctions - some pleasant, some not so much. There are stop signs and fast lanes. That's the beauty of the journey, the ups and downs make us who we are. So, keep moving and embrace each phase with an op


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